Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


To determine the placement of your title, simply click on 



If the label panel on the top of the board is sufficient, you may not require a label on this panel, so you can click the Hide label box as shown below:


Adding Leaderboard headers

The default header for the columns in the leaderboard panel is Arial, 16 point in white. However, you can change all the setting of the Leaderboard headers, that are similar to the Panel title ones. Click on the drop-down list alongside any of the properties to change.



To add content to any leader board, select theContenttab.

First, you will need to select the Stats point you wish to use, by clicking on theFindbutton, as shown below:


Next, you need to drill-down until you find the stats point you want to use, then click on the 

button alongside it to select it, as shown below:


This will now appear as your chosen Stats point. Next you will need to decide what you would like to show on the leaderboard. To do this, work through the drop-down lists shown below and select the Call type and relevant Column to populate the panel.


Once you select the Call type and relevant Column fields, press theAddbutton to add the column to the list, as shown below. Just repeat the same process to add as many columns as you like, according to your needs.


In the example below, we have selected the following settings for the Call type and its Column to form the columns that appear in the list:

  • Pos: select Call type as 'All' and Column as 'Position'
  • Name: select Call type as 'All' and Column as 'Name'
  • Total: select Call type as 'All' and Column as 'Count'
  • In: select Call type as 'Answered' and Column as 'Count'
  • Out: select Call type as 'Outbound' and Column as 'Count'
  • Lost: select Call type as 'Missed' and Column as 'Count'
  • Duration In: select Call type as 'Answered' and Column as 'Average Duration'


Changing column name

If you would like to change the name of any of the columns, click on the column name and overtype the current name, highlighted in blue, then press the Enter key to save.


Rearranging columns

If you would like the columns to appear in a different order, just click on the Image Added icon alongside its column. Moving a column up, by clicking on the Image Added icon in the design mode, we basically move this column left on the board.

In the example below, we rearrange the In and Total columns. By clicking on the Image Added icon next to the Total column, we move it a level up.


Changing a column's sorting

If you would like to sort the columns to appear in a specific order, click on the Image Added icon alongside. Moving a column up by clicking on the Image Added icon in the design mode, we basically move this column left on the board.

In the example below, we change the sorting od the the Totalcolumn from descending to ascending. By clicking on the Image Added icon next to the Total column, we turn the sorting of this column to descending.


Changing the Stats Collection point

To change the Stats collection point of a column, click on the Image Added icon alongside it which will automatically turn into Image Added to confirm that the stats point has changed. In the example below, we have clicked on the Image Added icon to change the stats point of the In column.




<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="0" class="sectionMacro">
			<td valign="top">
				<h2 style="margin-top: 0px;">What is a Leaderboard panel?</h2>

				<p>A leaderboard panel is a panel that allows you to display several columns of information alongside each other so that you get a visual summary of any call information that interests you. Leader board panels are completely customisable and can show any combination of a number of types of columns. The font type, size, colour and placement are all customisable. The background colour is also customisable. Some examples are shown below:</p>

				<p>This example shows total number of calls, inbound, outbound, lost calls, duration of inbound, duration of outbound, total duration of calls and is ordered by total number of calls per user:</p>

				<img class="screenshot" src="" alt="Leaderboard panel" />
			<td width="1px" valign="top">
				<div style="border-width: 1px;" class="panel video">
					<div class="panelContent">
						<h4>Design a Leaderboard panel</h4>
						<p><a rel="nofollow" class="external-link" href="">
						<img class="screenshot naked no_border" src="" alt="Design a Leaderboard panel video" /></a></p>
