If you would like the columns to appear in a different order, just click on the
Image Removed the
Inlineimage |
URL | /download/attachments/4817211/order_button.png |
icon alongside its column. Moving a column up, by clicking on
Image Removed the Inlineimage |
URL | /download/attachments/4817211/up_arrow_button.png |
icon in the design mode, we basically move this column left on the board.
In the example below, we rearrange the In and Total columns. By clicking on the
Image Removed the
Inlineimage |
URL | /download/attachments/4817211/up_arrow_button.png |
icon next to the
Total column, we move it a level up.
If you would like to sort the columns to appear in a specific order, click on the
Image Removed the
Inlineimage |
URL | /download/attachments/4817211/sort_up_button.png |
icon alongside. Moving a column up by clicking on
Image Removed the Inlineimage |
URL | /download/attachments/4817211/sort_down_button.png |
icon in the design mode, we basically move this column left on the board.
In the example below, we change the sorting od the the Totalcolumn from descending to ascending. By clicking on the
Image Removed
Inlineimage |
URL | /download/attachments/4817211/sort_down_button.png |
icon next to the
Total column, we turn the sorting of this column to descending.
To change the Stats collection point of a column, click on the
Image Removed the
Inlineimage |
URL | /download/attachments/4817211/stats_point_1_button.png |
icon alongside it which will automatically turn into
Image Removed Inlineimage |
URL | /download/attachments/4817211/stats_point_2_button.png |
to confirm that the stats point has changed. In the example below, we have clicked on
Image Removed the Inlineimage |
URL | /download/attachments/4817211/stats_point_1_button.png |
icon to change the stats point of the
In column.
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="0" class="sectionMacro">
<td valign="top">
<h2 style="margin-top: 0px;">What is a Leaderboard panel?</h2>
<p>A leaderboard panel is a panel that allows you to display several columns of information alongside each other so that you get a visual summary of any call information that interests you. Leader board panels are completely customisable and can show any combination of a number of types of columns. The font type, size, colour and placement are all customisable. The background colour is also customisable. Some examples are shown below:</p>
<p>This example shows total number of calls, inbound, outbound, lost calls, duration of inbound, duration of outbound, total duration of calls and is ordered by total number of calls per user:</p>
<img class="screenshot" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_plus/display_board_4.png" alt="Leaderboard panel" />
<td width="1px" valign="top">
<div style="border-width: 1px;" class="panel video">
<div class="panelContent">
<h4>Design a Leaderboard panel</h4>
<p><a rel="nofollow" class="external-link" href="http://www.tri-line.com/en/products/video.php?id=5">
<img class="screenshot naked no_border" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_plus/leaderboard_panel_video.png" alt="Design a Leaderboard panel video" /></a></p>
</table> |