Summary_list |
Task1 | What is a Label panel? |
Task2 | Adding a Label panel |
Task3 | Customising a label panel |
Task4 | Label panel overview video |
<a id="What is a Label panel?"></a> |
What is a Label panel?
A label panel is - as the name suggests - a panel that can be used to provide a meaningful label for your display board or any area of the display board. For example, if the display board is showing summary stats for your London site you might want to name the label panel as "London summary stats". If your display board is showing call information for the service team in London, you may choose to call the label panel "London Service".
You can also add an image, date and time to a label panel.
The following example shows how label panels could eventually look on a display board. All the label panels are highlighted in red. You can see a larger label panel at the top saying All Telesales, followed by two smaller label panels describing the sections below, Top Performers and Summary Stats. At the top left hand side of the page, you can see the company's logo, whereas at the top right hand side of the page, you can see the current time.
Screenshotmacro |
Border | false |
URL | /download/attachments/4817210/display_board_1_label_panels.png |
Info |
NOTE: There is no limit to the number of label panels you can use on a display board (e.g. you may choose to add a large label panel at the top of the board and smaller label panels on subsections). |
<a id="Adding a Label panel"></a> |
Adding a Label panel
To add a label panel, click on the
Inlineimage |
URL | /download/attachments/4817206/panel_type_button.png |
button and then select the
Inlineimage |
URL | /download/attachments/4817204/label_panel.png |
button, as shown below:
Screenshotmacro |
Border | false |
Shadow | false |
URL | /download/attachments/4817210/add_label_panel_1.png |
The list of available panels types will disappear and the mouse pointer will transform in a white, cross-like pointer sign indicating where your panel will begin. Simply drag your mouse across the screen and you can size the panel as shown below:
Screenshotmacro |
Border | false |
Shadow | false |
URL | /download/attachments/4817210/add_label_panel_2.png |
<a id="Customising a Label panel"></a> |
Customising a Label panel
To customize your label panel, click on the
Inlineimage |
URL | /download/attachments/4817206/pointer_button.png |
button on the top-left corner of the screen, then select the
Inlineimage |
URL | /download/attachments/4817210/nut_button.png |
icon to customise the panel, as shown below:
Screenshotmacro |
Border | false |
Shadow | false |
URL | /download/attachments/4817210/add_label_panel_3.png |
The following screen will appear:
Screenshotmacro |
Border | false |
URL | /download/attachments/4817210/label_panel_properties_1.png |
Enter the name you would like to appear on the label, then choose the style of font you would like to use for your header as well as the font size, by selecting from the drop-down list.
To select the text colour, click on the drop-down arrow as shown below. This will show the colour palate available. To select a standard colour, all you need to do is click on it. To add a custom colour, click on one of the blank custom colour squares and type in the RGB colour codes to add to your custom palette.You will need to click on theApplybutton to set the chosen color.
Screenshotmacro |
Border | false |
Shadow | false |
URL | /download/attachments/4817210/label_panel_properties_2.png |
If you would like the text to appear as bold, italic or underlined, simply click on the required box to highlight
Inlineimage |
URL | /download/attachments/4817210/text_formatting_1.png |
To determine the placement of your title, simply click on
Inlineimage |
URL | /download/attachments/4817210/text_formatting_2.png |
At the end, click on theSavebutton to save any changes made.
Click on theBackgroundtab to configure the properties for the background of your label panel.
If you would like to add an image source, simply type the details in the box provided, as shown in the sceenshot below, otherwise leave blank. You can decide to repeat the image or centre it on the panel, by selecting from the drop-down list of the
To select the background colour, click on the drop-down arrow; this will show the colour palette available. To select a standard colour, all you need to do is click on it. To add a custom colour, click on one of the blank custom colour squares and type in the RGB colour codes to add to your custom palette. You can also pick a transparent background, if you prefer. You will need to click on theApplybutton to set the chosen colour.
Screenshotmacro |
Border | false |
URL | /download/attachments/4817210/label_panel_properties_3.png |
If you would like to apply lighting effects to the label panel, just tick the box as shown here:
Screenshotmacro |
Border | false |
URL | |
The two examples below show the difference between panels with and without lighting effects. The panel with the slight shine has a lighting effect applied, while the solid black panel has no lighting effects.
Screenshotmacro |
Border | false |
URL | /download/attachments/4817210/label_panel_properties_5.png |
To define the panel's metrics to suit your particular screen, simply type the required pixel sizes in the boxes provided, then click on theSavebutton to save any changes made.
Screenshotmacro |
Border | false |
URL | /download/attachments/4817210/label_panel_properties_6.png |
<a id="Label panel overview video"></a> |
Label panel overview video
For a live demonstration on how to design and customise a label panel, watch the video below:
Videomacro |
Image | label_panel.png |
Video | label_panel_plus.mp4 |