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Selecting the report format

This section allows you to choose the output media format of your completed report. To select the desired format, click on the drop-down list and choose from the available options: Web, PDF, Excel, CSV and XML. The formats available are WebPDFExcelCSV and XML.

More details about each report format are available in the Setting the report format section above.


Creating the report

When you have chosen selected a reporting period , and are happy with your selections, you have two options:


and have chosen any filters and options, you can either run the report immediately by clicking on the Run now button, or schedule it for future delivery.


If you click on the Run now button, the report will run instantly in your chosen format.

If you want to schedule the report to run at a later time, follow the instruction given in the Schedule a report section.

<a id="The report's results"></a>

The report's results

When selecting WEB as the output format, this report will appear as below:-Below is an example of this report's output in Web format, displaying a breakdown of calls organised in half-hour time slots:


By clicking on the About this report link at the top-right corner of the page, you can review any filters and options that have been applied to the report.

As is the case with all reports , the header produced by TIM Plus, each page of the report includes the following information:

  • the report's title, e.g. Busy Channels
  • the date and time of that the report was generated
  • the name of the report, if applicable

To view details of any filters or selection parameters used in creating this report, simply click on About this report on the top-right corner of the page.

The WEB format allows for complete flexibility when viewing any report. All headers are clickable, allowing you to re-arrange the report layout in seconds, to sort the calls in ascending or decending order based on the header clicked.
The Web format is the most interactive of all formats: all column headers are click-sortable and most graphical and tabular elements can be drilled down into, allowing deeper analysis of your results. The headers of this report are as follows:

Time slotTo sort by time slot, simply click Click on the Time slot header to sort in alternative ascending order.
MissedThe missed calls column is always displayed as red. It allows you to re-order your call analysis detail based on whichever in red. You can rearrange the results based on any of the following selection criteria is most important:
  • Squiggle: This shows the The total number of missed calls in the corresponding half-hour timeslot. e.g. Select this option if you want to re-order the Call analysis report to display the half hour slot with the most missed calls. Click again to display the half hour slot with the least missed calls.Max: This shows the time slot.
  • Max: The maximum length of time a caller waited before hanging up abandoning the call (in seconds). Select this option if you want to sort your missed call in order of the maximum duration of missed calls in any half-our time slot. By clicking again the report will alternate between the time slot with the longest ring time and the time slot with the shortest ring time.
  • Avg: How long the average The average length of time a caller waited before abandoning the call (in seconds). Select this option if you want to sort your missed calls in order of the average duration of missed calls in any half-our time slot. By clicking again the report will alternate between decending and ascending order for average ringtime of missed calls.
AnsweredThe answered calls columm is always displayed in green. It allows you to re-order the Call analysis report based on incoming call information. You can re-arrange You can rearrange the results based on any of the following selection criteria:
  • Squiggle: Select this option if you would like to re-order your Call analysis report to sort by half hour slot with the most answered calls. Click again to re-order to start with the half hour with the least answered calls. Answered calls can also be re-ordered by time taken to answer (ring time) and duration of call The total number of answered calls in the corresponding half-hour time slot.
  • Ring time Max: This column shows the maximum The maximum length of time a caller had to wait before being answered (in seconds). Select this option under the Ring time (secs) header if you want to re-order to show the half hour slot with the longest ring time. Click again to show the half hour slot with the shortest ring time for answered calls. By clicking again, the report will alternate between the time slot with the longest and shortest ring time.
  • Ring time Avg: This shows this The average length of time a caller had to wait before being answered (in seconds). Select this option under the Ring time (secs) header if you want to show the half hour slot in descending order of average ring time. Click again to in ascending order. By clicking again the report wil alternate between the time slot with the longest and shortest average ring time.
  • Duration Max: The duration of the longest incoming, answered call (in hours, mins, secs.) Click on the header to toggle between longest and shortest call maximum duration for any half-hour.
  • Duration Avg: The average length of an incoming, answered call (in hours, mins, secs.) Click on the header to toggle between longest and shortest call average duration for any half-hour.
OutboundThe outbound calls column is always displayed in blue. It shows the total number of calls for each half hour, the maximum, average and total duration for calls in that half hour and average and total cost of calls made in that half hour. It also allows you to re-order the Call analysis report based on this outbound call information. You can re-arrange You can rearrange the results based on any of the following selection criteria:
  • Squiggle: Shows the The total number of outbound calls made in the corresponding half-hour period. Click of the header to toggle between the busiest and quietest half-hours.time slot.
  • Duration Max: The duration of the longest outbound call (in hours, mins, secs). Click of on the header to toggle between the calls with the longest and shortest maximum outbound duration.
  • Duration Avg: The average length of an outbound call (in hours, mins, secs). Click of on the header to toggle between the calls with the longest and shortest average outbound duration.
  • Duration Total: The total duration of time spent on outbound calls in this that respective half-hour period. Click of on the header to toggle between the half-hour with the longest and shortest total outbound duration.
  • Cost Avg: The average cost of an outbound call for this half-hour period. Click of on the header to toggle between the half-hour with the most and least average call cost.
  • Cost Total: The total cost of outbound calls for this half-hour period. Click of on the header to toggle between the half-hour with the most and least spent on calls.

If you would like to go back and view this report for a larger section of the organisation, click on the appropriate link in the breadcrumb, You can easily re-run your report to cover a larger organisational scope, by clicking an element of the breadcrumb as shown below:-

