Versions Compared


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Time slotClick on the Time slot header to sort the results in alternative ascending order.
MissedThe missed calls column is always displayed in red. You can rearrange the results based on any of the following selection criteria:
  • Squiggle: The total number of missed calls in the corresponding half-hour time slot.
  • Max: The maximum length of time a caller waited before abandoning the call (in seconds).
  • Avg: The average length of time a caller waited before abandoning the call (in seconds).
AnsweredThe answered calls columm column is always displayed in green. You can rearrange the results based on any of the following selection criteria:
  • Squiggle: The total number of answered calls in the corresponding half-hour time slot.
  • Ring time Max: The maximum length of time a caller had to wait before being answered (in seconds).
  • Ring time Avg: The average length of time a caller had to wait before being answered (in seconds).
  • Duration Max: The duration of the longest incoming, answered call (in hours, mins, secs.) Click on the header to toggle between longest and shortest call maximum duration for any half-hour.
  • Duration Avg: The average length of an incoming, answered call (in hours, mins, secs.) Click on the header to toggle between longest and shortest call average duration for any half-hour.
OutboundThe outbound calls column is always displayed in blue. You can rearrange the results based on any of the following selection criteria:
  • Squiggle: The total number of outbound calls in the corresponding half-hour time slot.
  • Duration Max: The duration of the longest outbound call (in hours, mins, secs). Click on the header to toggle between the calls with the longest and shortest maximum outbound duration.
  • Duration Avg: The average length of an outbound call (in hours, mins, secs). Click on the header to toggle between the calls with the longest and shortest average outbound duration.
  • Duration Total: The total duration of time spent on outbound calls in that respective half-hour period. Click on the header to toggle between the half-hour with the longest and shortest total outbound duration.
  • Cost Avg: The average cost of an outbound call for this half-hour period. Click on the header to toggle between the half-hour with the most and least average call cost.
  • Cost Total: The total cost of outbound calls for this half-hour period. Click on the header to toggle between the half-hour with the most and least spent on calls.
