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Hour/ Day/ Year
Shows each hour, day or month of the period that you have selected.
SquiggleThe total number of calls for the period you have selected.
  • Ans: The total number of answered calls.
  • Avg durn: The average length of an incoming, answered call.
  • Avg resp: The average response time of an incoming, answered call.
  • Max resp: The maximum response time for all calls within the selected period.
  • x-xx s: The % of calls that were answered within the predefined target (x-xx s). e.g. If 68% is displayed under the '0- 5 s' heading, that means that 68% of all calls were answered in less than 5 seconds.
  • %: The percentage of answered calls from the total number of incoming calls.
  • Squiggle: The total number of missed calls.
  • Avg durn: The average length of time a missed call rang before being abandoned.

You may can also drill down into the report for more detail, e.g. to see hour-by-hour breakdowns as shown here.


If you would like to go back and view this report for a larger section of the organisationTo modify your report to cover a larger organisational scope, click on the appropriate link in the breadcrumb, an element of the breadcrumb as shown below:-

