Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Save a backup of any data received from this PBX

By default, we TIM Plus allows you to save a backup of the call logging data received from the telephone system in case this requires to be reprocessed at a later stage, e.g. your database becomes corrupt or someone accidentally deletes calls from the system.

To save enable the backup, tick the 

LabelSave a backup of
the CDR data,
any data received from this PBX
box and type the location of the folder you want to store the files. By default, the following path is provided The path provided by default is: {app}\backup\backup-{year}-{month}-{day}.{uiv}, where {...} represent the system variables which are explained below in more detail in the table below:

appThe installation path for TIM Plus
yearThe year the data was captured
monthThe month the data was captured
dayThe day the data was captured
uivThe unique ID associated to each site
Timestamp received data

Some telephone systems donIf your telephone system doesn't always output the date and time in the CDR data. To timestamp such data, tick the box provided. this option to timestamp the data.

Binary data

This option is used only for telephone systems that send the Tick this option if your telephone system sends its CDR data in binary format, e.g. ISDX telephone system. When the

LabelBinary data
option is ticked, a we avoid adding new line is not being added after each batch of data, in order to prevent data corruption.

Delay processing of received data


This option is used when the switch-network-PC connection is very slow, and, in order to ensure all data is received before processing, TIM Plus can be set to wait x milliseconds before it attempts to process this data.
