To add a range of DDI numbers, enter the first part of the phone number only, and use ** as a wild character, e.g. enter
for Tri-line's DDIs.
If you no longer want a location associated with a particular number, click on the Inlineimage |
URL | /download/attachments/4817155/cross_button.png |
icon alongside it to remove it. Importing phone contacts
To automatically import phone contacts from an existing list, arrange your data in CSV format comprising of two columns - one containing the phone numbers, the other their allocated names. Use a common delimiter to separate the two columns, such as comma, dash, semicolon, tab or space.
Screenshotmacro |
Border | false |
URL | /download/attachments/4817155/web_user_9.png |
Deleting a phone contact
If you no longer want a name associated with a particular number, click on the
Inlineimage |
URL | /download/attachments/4817155/cross_button.png |
icon alongside it to remove it, as shown below: Screenshotmacro |
Border | false |
URL | /download/attachments/4817155/web_user_25.png |
Searching for a phone contact