The Call Scoring report provides a comprehensive analysis of previously-scored calls, enabling you to more efficiently assess the performance of your staff. TIM Plus gives you the option to create your own score cards, so you can specifically rate any call according to a set of custom evaluation criteria.
The scores can be based on any combination of questions whose answers are of the following type:
- Yes/No
- A value range
- Multiple choice
All questions are summarised in a clear, easy-to-understand format and are displayed separately, grouped into their respective categories.
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An example of a scoring card can be seen below:
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Running the report
Click on the Reports tab and select Account summary from the left-hand pane. The screen displaying the parameters of the report will appear, where you can configure the entity, period, filters, options and format of the report.
<h2>Introduction</h2> <p>TIM Enterprise allows you to create your own score cards and rate any call for evaluation purposes. The scores can be based on any combination of the following answers:</p> <ul> <li><b>Yes/No</b></li> <li><b>A range</b></li> <li><b>Multiple choice</b></li> </ul> <img class="screenshot naked" src="" alt="Scorecards" /> <p>When running a calls scoring report, the results will appear as follows:</p>. <img class="screenshot" src="" alt="Call scoring" /> <h2>Running the report</h2> <p>On the <span class="reference">Reports</span> screen, click on <span class="reference">Call scoring</span> in the reports type list, as shown below:</p> <img class="screenshot" src="" alt="Call scoring" /> <p>You can tailor the report to your specific requirements by selecting the entity you'd like to apply the report to as well as the output format required. You can also limit the results by adding filters and options as detailed below: </p> <h4>Entity</h4> <p>The <span class="reference">Entity</span> allows you to choose which area of the directory you would like to report on. If you want to run a report for your entire organisation, you do not need to choose an entity.</p> <p>If you want to select a specific area for reporting, click on the <img class="icon" src="" alt="Add Entity button" /> button to get a pop-up window showing the areas of the directory you can report on.</p> <img class="screenshot" src="" alt="Add Entity" /> <p>To drill up and down simply click on the hyperlinks provided, shown in the screenshot below as Aberdeen, Birmingham, Brighton, Cardiff etc.</p> <img class="screenshot border" src="" alt="Entity panel" /> <p>Once you have reached the area you would like to report on, click on the green <img class="icon" src="" alt="Add Entity button" /> as highlighted in red below.</p> <img class="screenshot border" src="" alt="Entity panel" /> <p>Alternatively if you are looking for a specific area e.g. person, department, site, name etc, you can just enter the name and press the <img class="icon" src="" alt="Search" /> button as shown in the example below:</p> <img class="screenshot border" src="" alt="Entity panel" /> <h5>Selected Entity</h5> <p>Once your entity you would like to report on had been selected, it will appear, as shown below:</p> <img class="screenshot" src="" alt="Selected entity" /> <h5>Delete an Entity</h5> <p>In order to delete an entity, just select it with your mouse and click on the <img class="icon" src=""> button above it, as shown below:</p> <img class="screenshot" src="" alt="Delete entity" /> |