To design a display board, locate the object in the Directory, click on it and select Design from the drop-down list, as shown below:
If you opted to design your display board from scratch, the following screen will appear:
To add or edit panels in your display board, use the toolbar on the left-hand side of the panel. Each toolbar button is described below:
Display_boards_buttons |
Text | The pointer button |
Img | /download/attachments/4817206/pointer_button.png |
The pointer (selector) button allows you to select an object and alter its properties.
Display_boards_buttons |
Text | The panel type button |
Img | /download/attachments/4817206/panel_type_button.png |
This button allows you to select the type of panel you want to add to the canvas. The available panel types are presented below:
Screenshotmacro |
Border | false |
Shadow | false |
URL | /download/attachments/4817206/display_board_design_3.png |
Display_boards_buttons |
Text | The aspect ratio button |
Img | /download/attachments/4817206/aspect_ratio_button.png |
This button allows you to change the ratio of the screen. The defaults available are 16:10 and 4:3, but the board can be stretched to any value you set.
Display_boards_buttons |
Text | The grid button |
Img | /download/attachments/4817206/grid_button.png |
The grid button is a simple toggle switch that shows or hides the grid.
Display_boards_buttons |
Text | The canvas settings button |
Img | /download/attachments/4817206/settings_button.png |
This button allows you to change the background properties of the canvas.
Display_boards_buttons |
Text | The save button |
Img | /download/attachments/4817206/save_button.png |
This button allows you to save any changes made to the canvas.
<p>Once you have added a new Display Board, you need to actually design what you would like to appear on it. To do this, simply left-click on it and select <span class="button">Design</span> from the pop-up menu, as shown below:</p>
<img class="screenshot" src="" alt="Display board properties" />
<p>The following screen will then appear, which is the design mode of a display board:</p>
<img src="" alt="Display board properties" />
<h2 style="line-height: 50px;"><img class="header_icon" src="" /> The pointer button</h2>
<p>The pointer (or selector button) as it's sometimes called allows you to select an object and alter it's properties.</p>