[CallTypes] Section
This section contains descriptions for each type of call - eg. information about how the system identifies each line of call logging data, in terms of call type, e.g. outgoing, incoming answered, incoming abandoned, etc. - including what that type of call 'looks' like (how the system identifies a line of PBX data as such), how and how to extract the call record elements from the line, and finally each line. Each call type is being assigned a code that pertains identifies a line of data pertaining to the particular type of call.
Each type of call consists of three lines (excluding comments), for exampleof data, as shown below:
Code Block |
'Outgoing Direct Dial ##-???-## ##:##:## ???#:## ### ### ####?????????????????????????????????##* aa bbb cc dd ee ff hhhh ii jjj mmm kllllllllllllllll 1 |