Versions Compared


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<p>There now follows a complete list of all server-side include variables 
available for use in your HTML pages.</p>

<p>Most SSI variables do not need to be housed in the '<>' HTML tags, however, 
variable-length ones do, and these are detailed at the bottom of the list.</p>

<table class="confluenceTable">
			<th class="confluenceTh" width=110>SSI variable</th>
			<th class="confluenceTh">Description</th>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_DATELONG</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Displays the current system date in long 'dd mmmm yyyy' format, eg. 04 January 2001.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_DATESHORT</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Displays the current system date in short dd/mm/yyyy format, eg. 04/01/2001.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_TIME</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Displays the current system time in HH:MM:SS format, eg. 23:02:41.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_CALLTYPES</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Produces a drop-down list in the context of an HTML form, with the available call types.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_PERIODS</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Produces a list of valid periods which are used to replace the fromdate and todate parameters in reports.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_EXTNGROUP</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Produces a list of available extension groups, including the internal 'New Extensions' group which contains newly-discovered extension numbers.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_TRUNKGROUP</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Produces a list of available trunk groups, including the internal 'New Trunks' group which contains newly-discovered trunk numbers.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_SITELIST</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Produces a list of valid sites as found in the SITES.CFG file.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_REGNAME</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Displays the name of the company to whom the software is registered.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_REMOTEIP</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Displays the IP address of the client (ie. the entity that is connecting to the web server).</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_REMOTEHOST</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Displays the resolved host name of the client.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_REMOTEPORT</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Displays the request port of the client.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_LCV</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Returns an HTML table containing a copy of the information currently displayed in the live call view list.  The table includes the column headers and also any highlighted calls.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_FIELDS</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Produces a drop-down list in the context of an HTML form, containing a list of the fields in the database. Its primary use is for telling a report which field to sort on.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_STATS:ID</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Returns the unique identifier of the set of statistics currently being collected.  This could be a numeric form of the current date on which live statistics are being collected.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_STATS:GROUP</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Returns the extension group (if any) that statistics are currently being collected for.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_STATS:NUMABANDON</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Returns the total number of abandoned calls.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_STATS:NUMANSWERED</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Returns the total number of answered calls.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_STATS:NUMOUTBOUND</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Returns the total number of outbound calls.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_STATS:MAXOUTDURATION</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Shows the duration of the longest outbound call. Format is hh:mm:ss.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_STATS:MAXOUTBY</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Shows the name (if any) of the extension responsible for the longest outbound call.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_STATS:MAXRESPONSEBY</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Shows the name (if any) of the extension responsible for the value #SSI_STATS:MAXRESPONSE (above).</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_STATS:MAXWAIT</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Shows the maximum wait an incoming caller endured before abandoning. Format is hh:mm:ss.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_STATS:MAXWAITBY</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Shows the name (if any) of the extension responsible for the value #SSI_STATS:MAXWAIT (above).</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_STATS:AVGOUT</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Shows the average duration of all outgoing calls in the current statistics set. Format is hh:mm:ss.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_STATS:AVGRESPONSE</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Shows the average response time for all incoming answered calls in the current statistics set. Format is hh:mm:ss.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_STATS:AVGWAIT</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Shows the average time incoming callers wait until abandoning the call. Format is hh:mm:ss.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_STATS:TOTALOUTDURATION</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Shows the total duration of all outgoing calls in the current statistics set. Format is hh:mm:ss.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_STATS:SMAXRESPONSE</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Returns the maximum response time but in the format of seconds only.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_STATS:SMAXWAIT</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Returns the maximum wait time but in the format of seconds only.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_STATS:SAVGRESPONSE</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Returns the average response time in seconds only.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><span class="keyword"><b>#SSI_STATS:SAVGWAIT</b></span></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Returns the average wait time but in the format of seconds only.</td>