The Quick call search panel offers a rapid way to locate specific calls in the central database, as an alternative to running a full call report. You can refine your search results by using the filters described below:
This filter allows you to define the type of call you want your search results to cover, e.g. incoming, outgoing, internal etc. To include all types of call, set this to All call types.
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Border | false |
URL | /download/attachments/1310821/search_exmpl_1.png |
The Period search field defines the time period the results should cover. To choose a period, select it from the drop-down list.
Screenshotmacro |
Border | false |
URL | /download/attachments/1310821/search_exmpl_2_1.png |
The Dialled number field allows you to filter your results by the number that was dialled. You can also specify a partial number to match all calls beginning with that number, e.g. to show all calls to London, enter 0207.
Screenshotmacro |
Border | false |
URL | /download/attachments/1310821/dialled_number.png |
You can filter your results to show only calls that originate from a specific CLI or those whose CLI matches a particular pattern of digits. For example, to report on all incoming calls from London, you could enter 0207.
Screenshotmacro |
Border | false |
URL | /download/attachments/1310821/cli_example.png |
If you want to limit the search results to a particular site, group or user, click on the
Inlineimage |
URL | /download/attachments/1310815983147/add_button.png |
button, as shown below:
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Border | false |
URL | /download/attachments/1310821/entity.png |
A new window will open, allowing you to drill-down into the directory structureto navigate through the Directory in order to locate the entity whose calls the search results should include. To select an entity, click on the
Image Removed the
Inlineimage |
URL | /download/attachments/983147/tick_button.png |
icon alongside it.
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Border | false |
URL | /download/attachments/1310821/entity_panel_1.png |
If you want to search for a specific entity, you can enter its name in the search bar at the top of the window and click on the
Inlineimage |
URL | /download/attachments/1310815983147/search_button.png |
Screenshotmacro |
Border | false |
URL | /download/attachments/1310821/entity_panel_1.png |
Limit results to
This feature enables you to specify the maximum number of search results you want to retrieve. Set the limit by entering a value in the field provided, e.g. entering 50 in the Limit results to field, will return a maximum of 50 results.
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Border | false |
URL | /download/attachments/1310821/limit_results.png |
The search results will show in a new panel entitled Search results, as shown below:
Screenshotmacro |
Border | false |
URL | /download/attachments/1310821/search_results_1.png |
To close the search results and return to the Most recent calls panel, click on the Back to recent calls link, at the top-right corner of the panel.