How it works
By adding one or more of our supported voice recording options, it is possible to store the audio recording of every telephone call that TIM Plus processes.
Which option you choose depends on what type of telephone calls you want to record. In most cases, the recording equipment is placed between your telephone system and your telephone lines (channels) and any phone calls that are made over those channels are intercepted, recorded, then sent to TIM Plus to be attached to the logged call.
To record calls over PSTN channels such as ISDN30 (PRI/E1/T1/J1), ISDN2 (BRI) or analogue POT lines, a piece of physical hardware - the Magic Box - is used to physically connect into your lines.
For VoIP (SIP) channels, a PC with a standard network interface card (NIC) can be used to capture the voice packets from strategic points in your voice network. If many simultaneous VoIP calls are expected, a dedicated computer with multiple NICs becomes necessary.
Any number of recording devices can be configured to provide their audio recordings to TIM Plus, and a hybrid network of both types of interface can be used in a single TIM Plus deployment.
Configuring TIM Plus
After installing either a Magic Box or Echo installation into your voice network, you need to configure its presence in TIM Plus.
Ensuring you are logged in to TIM Plus as an administrator, go to the Settings screen, then choose Voice recording:-
The voice recording option will allow you to set-up the integration of your Magic box with the call logger.