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After installation, the Echo settings screen will appear, where you can configure the options detailed below:


Choose a nameEnter a unique name to identify this installation; if you are installing more than one instance of Echo on your network, the name you enter here will be used in the subsequent setup of your TIM Plus or TIM Enterprise server.
Network adapterChoose the adapter that will receive SIP/SCCP and media packets from your network.
Buffer sizeThe socket buffer value is the maximum size (in bytes) that you'd expect your network adapter to receive from your network. The default value of 65536 should be sufficient for most networks.
ProtocolsThe types of IP packets that you know Echo should look for when inspecting passing traffic on your network adapter. If you know for sure that your audio signal or media packets will never be TCP packets, you should deselect TCP to save CPU load; the less traffic that Echo needs to inspect, the more concurrent calls it can handle with the same hardware.
SIP port(s)The UDP/TCP port number(s) that will be used for SIP signalling traffic on your network. Usually this is a single port (5060) but, in the case of media proxies or multiple SIP registrars on the same network segment, further ports may need to be entered here.
SCCP portThe TCP/UDP port that you expect Cisco SCCP (Skinny) packets to be transmitted on. This value is normally port 2000.
End session if no audioThis value specifies (in seconds) the maximum amount of time that Echo will continue monitoring a SIP or SCCP session in the event of no traffic, before it considers the session abandoned.

Web server

PortThe port number to use for the internal Echo web service
UsernameThe username required to access the Echo web service
PasswordThe password required to access the Echo web service


QualityThe desired compression quality for audio recordings. The higher the quality, the better the audio will sound but the bigger the files will be.
Compress timeoutThe amount of time (in seconds) that Echo will wait for an audio file to be compressed. By default, this is set on 2400 seconds (40 minutes).
ChangeBy default, the audio files are stored in the following location: C:\ProgramData\Tri-Line\Echo\audio. To select a different folder, click on the Change button and enter the preferred location.

When you have finished configuring Echo, click on the Apply button to save the settings to disk and then start the Echo service.

You can verify that the Echo service is running by connecting to its web service at: http://localhost:8088/. If you changed the Web server settings (above), the address may differ.
