To add a new band to the current tariff table, click on the Add band tab, as shown below:

A new window will appear, where you can edit the properties of your band:

Each field in the Band properties window is described below:

Band nameThe name of the band
Display nameThe band name displayed in the call view or reports
Min costThe minimum cost of a call, regardless of whether the call totals less at the defined rate
Max costThe maximum cost a call can reach, regardless of whether the call totals more at the defined rate
Start costThe starting cost of a call, regardless of its duration
Min durationThe number of seconds a call must last in order to be chargeable
Connect timeThe time it should take for a call to connect to the specific location
Weekday ratesThe rates of calls during weekdays
Saturday ratesThe rates of calls during Saturdays
Sunday ratesThe rates of calls during Sundays
Cap limitThe maximum duration (in seconds) you want to restrict certain calls to
Cap amountThe maximum charge for a call to a particular number
Rateable unitThe time unit (minutes or seconds) you want your rates to apply to. By default, the rateable unit in TIM Plus is per minute, but you can change this to a different value

When you have finished configuring these properties, click on the Save button to apply the changes.