This section allows you to view and update your software license. To retrieve your license automatically from our servers, click on the Get license button, as shown below:

Internet access is required to be able to connect to our servers and retrieve the license automatically.

If the license updates successfully, the following message will be displayed:

Obtaining a license manually

If you cannot update your software license automatically, you can apply this manually by following the steps below:

  1. In the Get license window, click on the Next button and copy the product code provided, as shown below:
  2. Log in to the Gateway using your username and password.
  3. In the Products panel, click on the TIM Plus product.
  4. In the Software license panel, click on the Activate now link.
  5. Paste the product code in the activation text box.
  6. Enter the number of users you intend to log and the version number of the software, then click on the Activate Now to obtain the license certificate.
  7. Paste the certificate in the license box of the TIM Enterprise setup wizard.