The summary graphs panel consists of three separate graphs, each organising their information using different criteria, as described below:
The information you see in each graph pertains only to the area which the logged-in user has been granted access to. |
<a id="type"></a> |
This first graph shows a snapshot of calls for the current day, based on the type of call, e.g. inbound, outbound, missed.
Each call type is colour-coded using a system-wide colour scheme, as follows:
The same call type colour coding system applies throughout TIM Enterprise. |
<a id="halfhour"></a> |
This graph shows a snapshot of calls for the current day, broken down by half-hour, allowing you to quickly identify peaks and troughs in call volumes to identify busy periods.
Each call type is colour-coded using a system-wide colour scheme as follows:
<a id="band"></a> |
This graph shows a snapshot of calls for the current day, based on their destination, allowing you to identify where you call most often. Calls are grouped into geographical locations such as Mobile, National, Local, International etc.
By default, the following colour scheme is used to identify calls to each geographical group: