<a id="Introduction"></a>


The Trunk Busy report allows you to break down each business day into half-hour periods, showing the maximum and average number of telephone lines in use for each half-hour period. This report is useful for determining whether or not you have enough lines or if you have too many.

<a id="Running the report"></a>

Running the report

Access the Reports screen, select the Trunk Busy report from the list and click on the Run now button.

A new window will open, allowing you to configure the parameters of your report:

Select a report period

For each report, you must specify a time span that covers the calls you want the report to include.

There are several preset reporting periods available for selection, based on the standard Gregorian calendar. The following table describes how the start and end times are defined for each preset period:

TodayThe start and end dates are set to the current date. The start time is set to 00:00:00 and the end time to 23:59:59.
YesterdayThe start and end dates are set to the current date minus one day. The start time is set to 00:00:00 and the end time to 23:59:59.
This weekThe start date is set to the first day (normally Monday) of the current week. The end date is set to the current day. The start time is set to 00:00:00 and the end time to the current time.
Last weekThe start date is set to the date of the last Monday, and the end date is set to the start date plus seven days. The start time is set to 00:00:00 and the end time to 23:59:59.
This monthThe start date is set to the first day of the current month. The end date is set to the current day. The start time is set to 00:00:00 and the end time to the current time.
Last monthThe start date for this period is set in three stages: The day is set to the first day of the month. The month is set to the previous month. The year is set to the current year, unless it is currently January, in which case, the previous year is used. The start and end times are set to 00:00:00 and 23:59:59 respectively.
This yearThe start date is set to the first day of the first month of the current year, whilst the end date is set to today's date. The start and end times are set to 00:00:00 and 23:59:59 respectively.
All callsThe start and end dates and times are set to the dates and times of the first and last call in the entire call database, respectively.

In addition to the presets described above, it is possible to specify a custom reporting period by choosing Custom period from the drop-down list and specifying your own  Start and End dates, as shown below:

Choose a site to report on (optional)

If your system is set up to log multiple sites, you can select a particular site from the drop-down list. To report on all sites, select the blank line.

Choose a specific trunk group (optional)

To run the report on a specific trunk group, select it from the drop-down list. To report on all trunks, select the blank line.

Select a particular trunk (optional)

To report on a particular trunk, enter the trunk number in the box provided.


<a id="Creating the report"></a>

Creating the report


<a id="The report's results"></a>

The report's results





<p>This breaks down each business day into half-hour periods, showing the
maximum and average number of telephone lines in use in any
particular half-hour.  You can opt to exclude weekends, when perhaps
not many calls are being made or received, and so as not to distort
the averages.  You can also concentrate on incoming or outgoing

<h2>Running the report</h2>

<p>Click on the <img class="icon" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_professional/reports_button.png" /> function button, on the top right-hand side of the main application window to access the <span class="reference">Reports</span> screen.</p>

<p>From this screen, either double-click on the <span class="reference">Trunks Busy</span> report in the reports list or select the <span class="reference">Trunks Busy</span> report and press the <img class="icon" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_professional/run_now_button.png" /> button, as shown below:</p>

<img class="screenshot naked" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_professional/trunks_busy_1.png" alt="Trunks Busy" />

<p>The following <span class="reference">Report Selection Criteria</span> window will be displayed:</p>

<img class="screenshot naked" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_professional/trunks_busy_2.png" alt="Trunks Busy" />

<h4>Select a report period</h4>

<img class="screenshot" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_professional/report_period.png" alt="Trunks Busy" />

<p>You need to select a time period for which you want the report to produce information for.  You can select a pre-set period from the drop-down list, as shown above.</p>

<p>The default is set to  <span class="keyword">Last Month</span> (the period from the first day to the last day of the previous calendar month, and NOT the last 30 days).</p>

<h4>Or enter your own custom period</h4>

<img class="screenshot" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_professional/custom_period.png" alt="Trunks Busy" />

<p>If you want to specify a period not shown in the list, go back to the <span class="reference">Select a report period</span> field and select <span class="keyword">Custom
Period</span> from the drop-down list and then enter your <span class="reference">Start</span> and <span class="reference">End</span> dates and times manually
into the boxes provided, as shown above.</p>

<h4>Choose a site to report on (optional)</h4>

<img class="screenshot" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_professional/choose_site_to_report_optional.png" alt="Business Centre Summary" />

<p>If your system is set-up to administer multiple sites, you have the
option of selecting a particular site here.  Select the blank line
(or leave the box empty) to report on all of your sites.</p>

<h4>Choose a specific trunk group (optional)</h4>

<img class="screenshot" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_professional/trunk_group_optional.png" alt="Trunks Busy" />

<p>You have the option of limiting the report's results to a particular
trunk period, for when you want to see how well a particular group of
trunks is performing, but don't want the results from other trunks to
distort your results.  Leave blank for all trunks to be included in
the results.</p>

<h4>Select a particular trunk (optional)</h4>

<img class="screenshot" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_professional/trunk_optional.png" alt="Trunks Busy" />

<p>To view only the results for a particular trunk, enter the number in box provided.</p>

NOTE: If the trunk group and trunk number is left blank the report will use the data from all of your trunks.

<h4>Filter by partial dialled number (optional)</h4>

<img class="screenshot" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_professional/filter_partial_number.png" alt="Trunks Busy" />

<p>You can choose to run the report using data from calls made to a
particular dialled number.  This can help when deciding if a private
wire is feasible. For example, let's suppose you have two offices:
one in London and the second in Reading.  You would enter the number
of the Reading office in to the <span class="keyword">Dialled Number</span> box.  The resulting
report will show you how many trunks where busy at any one time to
your Reading office.  You would then know how many private wires you
need to install.  You could use this information in conjunction with
a Custom Report, and specify the same number of your Reading office,
to show you how much it is currently costing you to call the Reading
office.  Taking into account other charges such as line rental, you
could then make an informed decision as to whether or not it would
save you money by installing the private wires.</p>

<p>The number you enter can include wildcards, (eg. 0118* or 0161 500 5*).</p>

<h4>Filter by partial location name</h4>

<img class="screenshot" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_professional/location.png" alt="Trunks Busy" />

<p>You can run this report for the same reasons above but for more than one
number, or to determine whether it would be cost effective to set up
a peering arrangement with a carrier in the region you call most
often.  Location names can include wildcards (eg. Manche*).</p>

<p>Used in conjunction with the <span class="reference">Call Locations</span> feature (see later), this option becomes a very powerful decision making aid.</p>

<h4>Weekend calls</h4>

<img class="screenshot" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_professional/weekends.png" alt="Trunks Busy" />

<p>You can opt to exclude calls that are made over the weekend period by
selecting this option; calls made at these times may distort your

<h4>Type(s) of calls</h4>

<img class="screenshot" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_professional/types_of_calls.png" alt="Trunks Busy" />

<p>The default is to report on all calls. If you want to report on incoming
calls only or outgoing calls only, deselect the type of call you
would like to exclude.</p>

<h2>Creating the Report</h2>

<p>When you have chosen a reporting period, and are happy with your selections, click on the <span class="button">Run Now</span> button.</p>

<h2>The results</h2>

<img class="screenshot naked" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_professional/trunks_busy_3.png" alt="Trunks Busy" />

<p>As with all reports, the header of the report includes the report title,
any name you may have given to it, the period from which call data
was used, and any other options you selected such as specific dialled
numbers and trunks.</p>

<p>The report consists of two parts: a graph and a table.</p>

<p>The graph is a quick and easy indication of your line usage, broken down
into a day's half-hour timeslots. The percentage on the y-axis shows
the percentage utilisation.  The x-axis shows the start point of each
hour of the day.</p>

<p>The bars on the graph are coloured to show the maximum number of trunks
busy in each particular half-hour (in light blue), overlaid by a bar
showing the average number of trunks busy in the same period (dark
blue).  There are two bars in each hour period, each one being a half

<p>The table shows the actual data for each half hour of the day.  It also splits the
data into incoming calls and outgoing calls, as well as providing a
total for all types of calls. The table holds the following
information for each half-hour period:</p>

<table class="confluenceTable">
			<th class="confluenceTh">Column header</th>
			<th class="confluenceTh">Description</th>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><b>Time Slot</b></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">The time of day in half-hour periods.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><b>Max Busy</b></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Shows the maximum number of trunks in use during the time slot shown.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><b>Average Busy</b></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">Shows the average number of trunks in use during the time slot shown.</td>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><b>Total Duration</b></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">The total time when trunks were busy, both incoming and outgoing combined.</td>


<p>The summary at the end of the report is fairly self-explanatory as you can see from the sample summary shown below:</p>

<p>The maximum number of calls at any time during this period was <span class="keyword">10</span>.<p>

<p>The 'maximum average' was <span class="keyword">6</span> calls.</p>

<p>The first time you reached your maximum was on <span class="keyword">Thursday 23 Aug 2012</span> at <span class="keyword">10:34:33</span>.</p>

<p>In total, <span class="keyword">548:16:39</span> of time was spent on calls.</p>