As described above, when the system processes each line of PABX data, it extracts the various components of a call record (eg. extension number, trunk, date components, duration components, etc.) using a lookup in the associated template file. For each type of call, the template file contains a line containing various characters which mark the position on each line of call data, where it should extract each element from.

The following characters are used to extract call record components from each line of PABX data:

CharacterCell record element
aDate: DAY
bDate: MONTH
cDate: YEAR
dTime: HOUR
gDuration: HOURS
hDuration: MINUTES
iDuration: SECONDS
jExtension Number
kTrunk Access Code
lDialled Number / Dialled Digits
mTrunk/Line Number
nResponse Time: MINUTES
oResponse Time: SECONDS
pAccount Code
qCalling Line Identification (CLI)
rHistory: Value (historic)
sHistory: Pointer (historic)