WARNING! DO NOT delete the Call Accounting and Billing server, as this will remove any CDRs that have not been sent.

<p>Instead you must restart the <b>CDR Services</b> on the <b>Publisher</b> node. To do this, login to the <b>Cisco Unified Serviceability screen</b>, located in the drop down list.</p>

<p>From the menu, select <b>Tools</b>, <b>Control Center - Network Services.</b></p>

<p>You should now see a list of all the services, find the section <b>CDR Services</b>.</p>

<p>You should now restart the services in the following order:</p>

	<li>Cisco Database Layer Monitor (Depending on Cisco UCM version, you may not have this service)</li>
	<li>Cisco CDR Repository Manager</li>
	<li>Cisco CDR Agent</li>
	<li>Cisco CAR Scheduler (If sending CMRs)</li>

<p>CDRs should now be sent to the configured Call Accounting and Billing server <i>(i.e. the machine running TIM Enterprise)</i>.</p>