<h2>What are reports?</h2>

<p>Reports are the means by which information about your telephone calls 
are extracted from the system. They can be run on demand, at any time or 
scheduled to run at a predetermined time and set to recur, if necessary.</p>

<p>Although each of the reports in TIM Enterprise produces markedly different 
information, each one is created in the same way and allowing all filters to 
apply to all reports, ensuring the process is as intuitive as possible, no 
matter what your reporting needs are.</p>

<h2>Selecting the report type</h2>

<p>To run a report, you must first select which type of report you want to 
run by clicking on any report listed under <span class="reference">Type</span> in the white section 
at the left hand side of the screen as shown below:</p>

<img class="screenshot" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_enterprise/reports_1.png" alt="Reports screen" />

<p>Once you select the type of report required, you are allowed to choose
 from a number of other parameters, including which <b>entity</b> you you like 
to report on, the <b>period</b> you would like to run the report for, the 
<b>format</b> you would like the report output in and any <b>filters</b> or options 
you would like to include.</p>

<img class="screenshot" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_enterprise/reports_2.png" alt="Reports screen" />