<p>These instructions should assist in configuring your BT Versatility to work with TIM Enterprise. If you are not familiar with PBX configuration, please contact your system maintainer.</p> <table class="confluenceTable"> <tbody> <tr> <th class="confluenceTh" width=158>Connection information</th> <th class="confluenceTh">Description</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="confluenceTd"><b>Connection type</b></td> <td class="confluenceTd"><b>Serial Output: </b> The BT Versatility sends Call Logging information via a serial connection. The BT Versatility has a V24 port on the CCU. The connection itself is RJ11 and you will need to purchase a V24 module from your system supplier/maintainer. You need to directly connect a serial cable from the V24 module to the PC that NetPBX/TIM Enterprise is installed and running on. </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="confluenceTd"><b>Cable configuration</b></td> <td class="confluenceTd">Straight-through.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>These instructions should assist in configuring your BT Versatility to work with TIM Enterprise. If you are not familiar with PBX configuration, please contact your system maintainer.</p> <p>The interface to the printer or PC should be serial V24/RS232-C and should meet the following specifications: Speed – 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 or 115,200 bps. Data - 8 bits (no parity).</p> <p>The BT Versatility has an in-built buffer to store the last 500 call records. This buffer can be output to the serial port as required. This option is selected in the system programming.</p> <p>An X-on X-off signal can be enabled which allows the switch to detect if a device on the serial port, which supports X-on X-off is receiving the data.</p> <p>Another option allows the last four digits of the dialled number to be masked. This is 'Restricted call logging'.</p> <h2>Configuring your BT Versatility</h2> <div style="width: 700px;"> <img src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_enterprise/pbx/bt_versatility_1.png" alt="BT Versatility" /> <img src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_enterprise/pbx/bt_versatility_2.png" alt="BT Versatility" /> <img src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_enterprise/pbx/bt_versatility_3.png" alt="BT Versatility" /> </div> <h2>Configuring TIM Enterprise</h2> <p>Below you will find steps on how to configure TIM Enterprise to listen for SMDR data from your BT Versatility:</p> <ol> <li>Browse to TIM Enterprise as normal and login with your credentials.</li> <li>Click on the <span class="button no_margin">Directory</span> tab.</li> <li>Go the the point in the Directory where you need to add the PBX Object and add a PBX with the name 'BT Versatility'.</li> <li>Left-click on it and select <span class="button no_margin">Properties</span>.</li> <li>From the <span class="button no_margin">General</span> settings tab select <span class="keyword">BT Versatility</span> from the PBX model list.</li> <img class="screenshot border" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_enterprise/pbx/bt_versatility_4.png" alt="BT Versatility" /> <li>In the <span class="button no_margin">Connection</span> tab select <span class="keyword">No connection required</span> from the <span class="reference">Connection method</span> list.</li> <li>Finally, click on the <span class="button no_margin">Save</span> button.</li> <img class="screenshot border" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_enterprise/pbx/bt_versatility_5.png" alt="BT Versatility" /> </ol> |