<p>If you process a lot of call information, you may notice gradual system performance
degradation during the running of TIM after a long time.  This is
because of the amount of call data TIM has to contend with.  The
<span class="reference">Automatic Archive</span> feature can automatically export your old call data
(after a predetermined period) as part of its start-up routine.  This
automatic process ensures that the system runs smoothly, whilst
freeing the operator of any backup duties.</p>

<p>Setting up the automatic archive feature requires you to edit the <span class="reference">Main
Configuration</span> file.  For information on how to do this, see the
<a href="Configuration & Setup">Configuration & Setup</a> section.</p>

<p>Open the <span class="reference">Main Configuration File</span> which is <span class="keyword">main.cfg</span> and amend the AAEvery key to a value in days.  This tells the system how old calls should
be before backing them up.  The system also only performs the
automatic archive function once in the same period.  This ensures
that the calls get archived in blocks, rather than each day's data
being archived over a certain number of days old.</p>

<p>For example,  the line AAEvery = 30 tells the system to, firstly, perform the auto-archive function every
thirty days, and secondly, to archive any calls that were made or
received over thirty days ago.</p>

INFO: Because the automatic archive function is performed only during the start-up procedure, you will need to enable the Automatic Restart function. See the Configuration File Options section for information about how to do this.