
<img class="screenshot" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_plus/account_summary.png" alt="Account summary" />

<p>The Account summary report will allow you to report on any calls
 run using account codes. Please note that your telephone system will 
need to be capable of providing account codes in order to use this 

<p>Account codes are normally used when you want to be able to allocate 
all calls made on behalf of a user or client back to that persons bill 
e.g. a solicitor may be making several calls to different numbers on 
behalf of a client and answering calls from different people on behalf 
of the same client or a hospital may provide account code to allow 
particular users to use any phone on the hospital site and still have 
calls billed back to their personal account.</p>

<p>Many telephone systems provide the facility to enter in an account 
code before making a call or during a call. You simply enter in the 
account code(s) and the period you are interested in and you can get a 
detailed list showing all calls made/ and/or received for that account 
code or group of account codes.</p>

<h2>Running the report</h2>

<p>On the <span class="reference">Reports</span> screen, click on <span class="reference">Account summary</span> in the reports list and then press the <span class="button">Select this report</span> button.</p>

<p>The following report selection criteria window appears:</p>

<h2>Understanding the Results</h2>

<p>When selecting <span class="reference">Web</span> as the output format, this report will appear as above.</p>

<p>The Web format allows for complete flexibility when viewing any report. To view details of any filters or selection parameters used in creating this report, simply click on <span class="link">About this report</span> at the top right of the page.</p> 

<p>All headers are clickable allowing you re-arrange the report layout in seconds, to sort the calls in ascending or decending order based on the header clicked. The headers of this report are as follows:</p>

<table class="confluenceTable">
			<th class="confluenceTh" width=110>Header</th>
			<th class="confluenceTh">Description</th>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><b>Carrier</b></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">This column shows the carrier used to route the call.
			<td class="confluenceTd"><b>Charge band</b></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">It shows the chargeband applied to the call.
			<td class="confluenceTd"><b><img class="icon" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_plus/sigma.png" alt="Squiggle" /></b></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">It shows the total number of calls to that chargeband.
			<td class="confluenceTd"><b>Total duration</b></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">The total time spent on calls to that chargeband.
			<td class="confluenceTd"><b>Total cost</b></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">The total cost of calls to that chargeband.

<p>In the above example, the numbers <b>'52001'</b>,<b>'52002'</b> etc. represent the account code.</p>

<p>If you would like to go back and view any report for a larger section of the organisation, simply click on the appropriate link in the breadcrumb as shown below:</p>

<img class="screenshot naked" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_plus/breadcrumb.png" alt="Breadcrumbs" />