To confirm the issue with Openscape Business and the Output from the call logger.
The key issue relates to the format of the separator.
In your notes on your install guide -
You need to add a section regarding the following:
1 – if the system was upgraded from HiPath 3000 using the convert tool then the separator will be “;”
2 – if the system was upgraded from HiPath 3000 but subsequently the database was retyped then the separator will be “|”
3 – If the system was new then the separator will be “|”
If the HiPath 3K database was simply converted and not retyped (as a number were due to the concerns over the conversion process) then no change will be necessary with the call logger as the old and new database will still use “;” as a separator, however if the database was retyped then the new platforms defaults to a “|”. This is most notable in a networked environment where the same template must be used, therefore it would make sense to change the output from the OSBiz for any converted databases to be the new format of “|” so that any new sites are in this format.
However, the “|” separator cannot be set in the new WBM tool and can only be reached using Manager E.
Kind Regards
Ewen Brooke |