Stats alarms
What is a Stats alarm
Stats alarms are alarms that can be added to a selected element of a stats collection point (Stats point), in order to trigger an alert if a specific condition is met (e.g. the number of outbound calls is above 100 or the number of concurrent lines in use exceeds 20).The criteria that must be met to trigger an alarm is user-defined, and email alerts can be sent to one or more recipients.
Call statistics alarms are simply a variation of the standard "alarm" directory object and provide an additional means of keeping a tab on call patterns.
Adding a Stats alarm
To add a Stats alarm, select the
tab, then click on the button as shown below:
A new window will appear, allowing you to name and configure the elements that will trigger the alarm.
Under the General tab, you can name your Stats alarm and select the Stats point you want to place the alarm on.
To provide a name for the Stats alarm, simply fill in the Name field, as shown below:
To select the Stats point you would like to monitor, click on the
button, then drill up and down in the Directory to select the Stats point you are searching for. Once you find it, select it by clicking on the icon, as shown below:
The Stats point will appear afterwards under the
tab, as shown below:Criteria
Next step is to select the criteria you would like to use to trigger the alarm. To do this, select the
tab, as shown below:
The criteria available are described below:-
The alarm will be triggered when the count meets, exceeds, is less than or equal to a predetermined value (e.g. when busy channels equals 10 or busy channels > 10).
Total duration
The alarm will be triggered when the duration meets, exceeds, is less than or equal to a pre-determined value (e.g. when call duration is greater than 3600 seconds (1 hour) )
Average duration
The alarm will be triggered when the average duration meets, exceeds, is less than or equal to a pre-determined value (e.g. when average call duration is less than 1 minute).
Minimum duration
The alarm will be triggered when the minimum duration meets, exceeds, is less than or equal to a pre-determined value (e.g. when minimum duration equals 20 seconds).
Maximum duration
The alarm will be triggered when the maximum duration meets, exceeds, is less than or equal to a pre-determined value (e.g. when maximum call duration is greater than 1 hour).